SOLAR - photovoltaic power (FVE)

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photovoltaic power | wind power | small hydropower plants | plasma gasification

Q.PEAK DUO-G7 325-335

The Q.PEAK DUO-G7 is our monocrystalline solar module with power classes of up to 335 Wp and an excellent efficiency of up to 20.2 %. Q.PEAK DUO-G7 solar modules provide excellent and reliable yields thanks to the new generation of the unrivalled Q.ANTUM DUO solar cell concept, which is now combined with state-of-the-art circuitry and 12-busbar cell design. The black Q.ANTUM DUO half-cells in the Q.PEAK DUO-G7 lend even the most exclusive building a refined look. Our Q CELLS yield security guarantees reliable electricity production over the entire life cycle of your solar installation. Thanks to integrated Q CELLS Anti LID Technology preventing light-induced degradation (LID), which can reduce system performance drastically – or almost totally – the Q.PEAK DUO-G7 eliminates slumps in yield. In contrast, conventional monocrystalline solar modules without Anti LID Technology lose much of their initial power through normal insolation.

The Q CELLS Anti LID Technology eliminates light induced degradation (LID), which can greatly reduce system performance, almost completely. Other conventional monocrystalline solar cells will lose much of their initial performance, once exposed to sunlight. With Q.PEAK DUO-G7 this is not the case, thanks to Anti LID Technology.


  • Ideal for:
  • Rooftop arrays on residential buildings
  • Rooftop arrays on commercial / industrial buildings

You can read more information in our data sheet:
Data sheet


Technical data

Type 120-half-cell module
Power Classes From 340 to 355 Wp
Temperature Coefficient PMPP -0.35 %/K
Efficiency Up to 20.2%
Size 1685 mm × 1000 mm × 32 mm (including frame)
Weight 18.7 kg


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